Judge: Mark Bicknell
Slipper: George Sell
Our 10th Finals Day, and what a finals day it was! We celebrated our top 10 of the decade, and seen several puppy’s venture the competition field for the first time, which is always exciting to see.
Neymar Pilgrimsway had an amazing 2024 season moving into the veterans and proving himself worthy of winning the Wheatroyd Trophy, but he had never been paired with his sister Nita and what a gentleman he was not willing to other take his sister allowing her to win the Laguna Veteran’s Trophy!
Sandspring Sea Mistress received the Fortuna Trophy for Top scoring opposite sex of the season but she had to bow down to Whisterfield Grace Notes in the second round of the Shandril Trophy Stakes. Whisterfield Grace Notes was one of 3 girls which Angela Bayley had running in this stake and who became runner up to Laguna Lia’s Lara, who is co- owned with her breeder, Lilah Wainman and won the Shandril Tophy!
The Silverhare Trophy was won by Coppermow Harfang avec Elstoto who finished 2nd overall in the 2024 league table and was top scoring open dog of the season!
Finals day is always interesting as it is often the whippets who are not top of their classes who end the season on a high such as Silverhare Festive Snowelf who has often featured at our finals days but this year it was his time to shine walking away with the Harerunner Trophy!
Congratulations to everyone who attended our 2024 finals day!