SATURDAY 7th September 2024:

Location: Raleghs Cross, Exmoor

Judge: Tracy Chamberlain

Slipper: Duncan Nicholls


The Ralegh’s Cross Stakes for bitches 17.5”- 18.5”

Round 1

Kenzduo Yokosoko Bt Coppermow Skadi

Coppermow Moonstone at Luathastar Bt Ryemeadows Enfys

Winterfellin Must Be Crafty Bt Coppermow Cedrella at Ziradash

Ryemeadows Posie, BYE


Round 2

Coppermow Moonstone at Luathastar Bt Kenzduo Yokosoko

Winterfellin Must Be Crafty Bt Ryemeadows Posie



Winterfellin Must Be Crafty Bt Coppermow Moonstone at Luathastar


The Cliffords Pool Stakes for bitches 17.5”- 18.5”

Round 1

Ryemeadows Zikomo Bt Veloxcanis Solis Venatrix

Laguna Lia’s Lara, Silverhare Fortis Secret, DOUBLE BYE

Whisterfield Grace Notes Bt Tumblers Araminta


Round 2

Ryemeadows Zikomo Bt Laguna Lia’s Lara

Silverhare Fortis Secret Bt Whisterfield Grace Notes



Ryemeadows Zikomo Bt Silverhare Fortis Secret


The Maundown Stakes for bitches 17.5”-18.5”

Round 1

Ryemeadows Zama Bt Corfilgi Cariad

Coppermow Velar Bt Tumblers Atlantic Jewel



Coppermow Velar Bt Ryemeadows Zama


The Chidgley Stakes for dogs 18.5”- 20”

Round 1

Winterfellin What The Heck Bt Laguna Lunas Link

Coppermow Ginger Ninja Bt Lolani Ride A Wild Trail JW

Harerunner Hombre Estrella Bt Ch Lolani Café Amore

Blues And Tooze Bt Coppermow Sika


Round 2

Winterfellin What The Heck Bt Coppermow Ginger Ninja

Blues And Tooze Bt Harerunner Hombre Estrella



Winterfellin What The Heck Bt Blues And Tooze


The Brendon Hill Stakes for dogs 18.5”- 20”

Round 1

Zoraden Maserati Bt Florancy Dark And Stormy

Winterfellin Tallenger Bt Eastave Pied Piper



Winterfellin Tallenger Bt Zoraden Maserati (WITHDRAWN)


The Elworthy Stakes for dogs up to 21.5”

Round 1

Tumblers Adagio, BYE

Denimblue Willdo JW Bt Coppermow Harfang avec Elstoto

Ranveli French Fancie Bt Grasampa Turn On The Light at Ivybright

Florancy Hot Chilli Pepper Bt Corfilgi Carw Coch


Round 2

Tumblers Adagio Bt Denimblue Willdo JW

Ranveli French Fancie Bt Florancy Hot Chilli Pepper



Tumblers Adagio Bt Ranveli French Fancie


The Leighland Stakes mixed up to 21”

Round 1

Zoraden Bright Star Bt Penbriar Jet Setter to Solentwaves

Lilac Sky Bt Keep A Knocking Ohoka

Maccus Rosa Gallica Daphne Bt Selinko Honeysuckle

Vidaymi Skyfall Bt Leamoocher Chavali


Round 2

Zoraden Bright Star Bt Lilac Sky

Maccus Rosa Gallica Daphne Bt Vidaymi Skyfall



Maccus Rosa Gallica Daphne Bt Zoraden Bright Star


The Treborough Stakes for bitches up to 19.5”

Round 1

Maccus Cirllia Of Cintra Bt Sandspring Sea Hawk

Zoraden Fifty Shades Darker JW Bt Ryemeadows Bronte


Rose Of Sunlight of Ivybright Bt Wizzywips Heaven Sent

Vidaymi See The Stars Bt Royal Tudor Storm Diana of Ohoka


Round 2

Maccus Cirllia Of Cintra Bt Zoraden Fifty Shades Darker JW

Rose Of Sunlight of Ivybright Bt Vidaymi See The Stars



Rose Of Sunlight of Ivybright Bt Maccus Cirllia Of Cintra


The Withiel Florey Veteran Stakes


Coppermow Evoque Bt Nita Pilgrimsway


The Washford Veteran Stakes


Neymar Pilgrimsway Bt Ger Ch Shiny Sensation’s For Your Eyes Only to Dapperdiva


The Rook’s Nest Veteran Stakes


Penbriar Dark Secret at Mannerpool Bt Laguna Lawns Le Lundi

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